Went running in the village and by the beach which was filthy. I learned that we were not to swap places with Don and Ian after all. Tom and I went on a pick-up truck to pay La Puente a visit this morning. The cholera treatment centre was half empty, one tent was completely devoid of patients and the area with the tarp roof as well.
Gesylyn and I went into the tent to see a few patients on our own and then we joined Don for rounds. Later a doctor from MSF arrived looking for transfer of patients to their tents from any overflow. As it turned out they too were 50% full. We visited MSF cholera treatment center which was very well co-ordinated.
When we came back from La Puente in the mid-afternoon, we learned that there was one death in the morning, a 27-year-old lady who was in the ICU for less than four hours. I often wonder if it would make a difference if we had stayed.
Tom and I made rounds in the evening. The man in bed 1 and his baby returned to the ICU again looking dehydrated. We placed back their IVs as they both refused to take ORS.